Does having a website help your business?

Your website serves to fill your needs in many ways. From giving information about your company to the latest updates of your products, a website helps to provide many features all in one. Having a website allows you to advertise your newest product or service at no fee. Your announcement can be displayed for however long you wish. When having a website it brings more convenience to your customers.
They are able to view and purchase from you whenever and wherever they are, allowing them to return more often. They will not only purchase from you but with that online website, they are better able to share it with friends or family through word of mouth advertisement, the best form of advertisement available. With a website, you are able to copy and forward the link to anyone with internet access allowing for an increase of new customers.
The online website could also offer a blog feature where you or your customers can publish news, rates, and even customer reviews for others to know to get a feel of your business’ service. This brings forward credibility and the opportunity to have long term customers for a successful business. An online website helps to save money as many big name brands are pushing in this direction too. With a website, you do not have to purchase building space to host your service for the public.